In this course, the principles of individual based modelling will be presented. Instructors will introduce participants to NetLogo, a development environment and a domain specific computer language for individual based modelling. In lectures, instructors will explain techniques to develop, analyse, test and document individual based simulation models. Hands on session will familiarise participants with the concepts: In small groups they will develop, implement and analyse an individual based model to answer an ecological question. Questions will be suggested by the instructors and will comprise applied (e.g. sustainable forestry) and theoretical topics. Every group will present their project and their experiences at the end of the course in a short presentation. After the course the participants will be able to implement and analyse simple models in NetLogo.
Edifici Z -ICTA-ICP- C/ de les Columnes s/n.
Campus de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
E-08193 Cerdanyola del Vallès. Spain