Dear INDEEP members, 6 days left to answer the Hydrothermal Vent Ecosystem Principle Survey. For those with expertise in hydrothermal vent ecosystems, we
Tag: hydrothermal vents
Petition: A Call for Coordinated Research to Support the Management of Deep-Sea Marine Protected Areas
Hello everyone, I am contacting you get your support for a petition to raise awareness of deep-sea marine protected areas. There are vast areas
PhD position: Faunal colonization at hydrothermal vents (Ifremer, France)
PhD title: Influence of hydrothermal activity and substratum types on faunal colonization processes in the deep-sea *Dead-line for application: May 31st 2016* *A PhD
InterRidge Working Group at 14th DSB Symposium
InterRidge Working Group on Ecological Connectivity and Resilience Meeting: Tuesday 1 September, 12:45, Pequeno Auditório DSBS participants, We invite you to an open
Postdoc position in hydrothermal vents at Penn State
[From the INDEEP mailing list] Pennsylvania State University, USA are seeking a postdoctoral scholar to work on a newly funded NSF project, with ship
New Paper: vent drilling impacts on megabenthos
[From the INDEEP mailing list] New paper published: Nakajima R, Yamamoto H, Kawagucci S, Takaya Y, Nozaki T, et al. (2015) Post-Drilling Changes in
Cruise Blog – Mid-Atlantic Ridge
[From the INDEEP mailing list] Follow the French cruise to the Lucky Strike vent site in the Mid-Atlantic – now underway. or Ifremer’s
TAIGA project e-book on hydrothermal activity and associated organisms
[From the INDEEP mailing list] Hiromi Watanabe (JAMSTEC) and numerous colleagues recently completed a project entitled TAIGA, to reveal the linkage between hydrothermal activity
2015 Bergen Workshop on Hydrothermal Systems
[from the INDEEP mailing list] NOTE: There does not yet appear to be a meeting website set up for this event A message from