Seminar Series

The DSBSoc seminar series provides an opportunity to DSBS members to share their latest work with the society in a more regular manner, between the largest gatherings of our DSBS-related conferences. The seminar series is organized in a bi-monthly series of online talks with two volunteer speakers per seminars, scheduled according to the speakers availabilities. This seminar series was held between 2022 and early 2023 and will restart in 2024.

Presentations from students and early careers are prioritized, but all of our members can give a talk and present their latest work to the society. We strongly encourage our senior members to attend the seminars and engage with our student and early career members on their research.

If you are interested in presenting your work for a future seminar of the DSBSoc seminar series please email us at including a tentative title and overall research topic. When possible, we are trying to gather people by thematic and common scientific interests to promote fruitful exchanges between the participants.

Schedule of future Seminars:

7th DSBS Seminar: 25 April 2024

Ana-Belen Yanes Suarez, (Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada), on Corals and sponges habitat selection within vertical walls.

Loic Van Audenhaege, (National Oceanography Centre, United-Kingdom), on Monitoring ecological dynamics on complex hydrothermal structures.

6th DSBS Seminar: 19 March 2024

Gerlien Verhaegen, (Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Germany), on the Drivers behind the diversity and distribution of a widespread midwater Narcomedusa.

Miguel Guerreiro, (University of Lisbon – GEOMAR, Portugal – Germany), about Where is the mesopelagic Southern Ocean going?

More coming soon …

Previous Seminars:

Private links to watch again previous seminars can be given upon request, if authorized by the speakers, at

5th DSBS Seminar: 15 February 2023

Takuya Yahagi, (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan), on the Ontogenetic migration of gastropod larvae between deep-sea hydrothermal vents via surface waters.

Petra Hribovsek, (University of Bergen, Norway), on Microbial iron mats from a newly discovered Arctic vent field.

4th DSBS Seminar: 28 October 2022

Margherita Toma, (Università di Genova, Italy), on Deep-sea megabenthic fauna in the Mediterranean Sea studied through 15 years of ROVs’ videos’ archive.

Otis Brunner, (Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology, OIST, Japan), on the role of dispersion in structuring diversity at hydrothermal vents, a model system for studying connectivity & conservation.

3rd DSBSoc Seminar: 23 September 2022

Belén Anais Franco Cisterna, (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark), on the Effect of hydrostatic pressure on organic matter export to fuel deep-sea life.

Victor Le Layec, (Sorbonne Universités, France), on the Role of hemoglobins in deep-sea hydrothermal vent scale worms.

2nd DSBSoc Seminar: 26 June 2022

Beatriz Lopes da Silva Dias Mano, (University of the Azores, Portugal), on the Impacts of human activities & the physiological resilience of the Azores cold-water corals.

Emilie Chagny, (Ifremer, France), on New extremophilic peptidases – Their role in the adaptation to deep environments and their biotechnological interest.

1st DSBSoc Seminar: 17 May 2022

Guilherme Siqueira Toledo de Carvalho, (Oceanographic Institute – University of São Paulo, Brazil) on Wood-eating bivalves of the deep Southwestern Atlantic.

Melissa J. Betters, (Temple University, USA) on the Evidence of depth partitioning in Provanna (Gastropoda: Provannidae) from the Costa Rica Margin.
