[from Deep-Sea Life Vol 13]
Marina R. Cunha1, Luciana Génio1*, Florence Pradillon2, Morane Clavel-Henry3 & the Foresight Workshop Participants
1 Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal; 2 IFREMER, Brest, France; 3 CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
*Currently at: The International Seabed Authority, Kingston, Jamaica
The Foresight Workshop on “Advances in ocean biological observations: sustained system for deep-ocean meroplankton”, took place in Aveiro, Portugal from 27-29th May 2019. This workshop was organized around three main themes: i) Advances in the knowledge of deep-sea larval diversity and distribution: key challenges and priorities; ii) Recent developments in plankton observation approaches and technology; iii) Data integration and oceanographic modelling. The three days of the meeting included two keynote talks by Craig Young and Jim Birch and short talks by Jonathan Gula, Anna Metaxas, Jozée Sarrazin and Fabio De Leo. The organizers presented digests of pre-workshop contributions from the participants, followed by lively discussions among the 15 scientists present in Aveiro and others who participated via videoconference from Japan, USA and Jamaica. The main goals were to debate how the existing gaps in the knowledge on connectivity and resilience in the deep ocean can be addressed by sustained observations of larval processes, which are the technological challenges and added societal value of this approach and what synergies can be built with deep ocean observation initiatives and existing observatory networks. As some of you may remember, good Portuguese food during the meals (and wine at dinner) always contributes to a friendly atmosphere and cross-fertilization of ideas. Keep reading Deep-Sea Life, this group promises more news in the near future!