XV Deep Sea Biology Symposium 9-13 September, 2018
Save the dates, the XV Deep Sea Biology Symposium will be in Monterey, California in 2018. The local organizing committee is working on getting you a great rate for the housing as well as doing our best to match the fabulous XIV meeting in Portugal. We are planning on an evening reception at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Lightning talks at the poster session, blue skies, networking, exhibitors, and much much more (but no otter hugging). Be on the lookout for a Request for Sessions announcement in mid 2017 with registration and abstract submissions in early 2018. Folks interested in volunteering for the overall organizing committee should contact Steve Haddock (haddock@mbari.org).
Dr. George I. Matsumoto
Senior Education and Research Specialist
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute