Call for papers for Deep-Sea Research II special issue

Dear Colleague,

We would like to announce a call for papers for a special issue of Deep-Sea Research Part II (DSR-II) on the advances in deep-sea biology research that were presented during the 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, held in Aveiro, Portugal (31 August – 4 September). Typically, DSB Symposia have not been producing a Special Volume but it seems to us that this is an important step to consolidate all the work and effort that DSBS participants have put in preparing their presentations for the Symposium.

After consulting several members of the community and Professor Milliman (who is unfortunately steeping down from his position as editor of DSR Part II), it was decided to focus the special issue on three main sub-themes (see below) encompassing all the thematic sessions presented and discussed during the 14DSBS so that the resulting DSR-II issue can represent the latest advances in deep-sea biology research. Hence, we are requiring authors to prepare a letter of intent to assess suitability of the submission and to assist all authors in developing their final submissions. The letter of intent must include:

  • working title
  • author list
  • contact information (including email)
  • a short description of the work (1/2 page max) or, alternatively, the abstract submitted to the 14DSBS
  • sub-theme (see below).

Multiple submissions will require multiple letters of intent. These will be due (via email to by September 20. The co-editors expect to have completed their review of the suitability of the submitted letters by the end of September. When appropriate, the co-editors may act to facilitate communication among the submitting authors.

The theme of the special issue will be “Advances in deep-sea biology: biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and conservation”. The choice of a theme is to build cohesion among the submitted articles while encompassing the various thematic sessions of the 14DSBS. The proposed sub-themes are

  1. Conservation topics and stewardship (papers on natural and anthropogenic impacts, habitat suitability, conservation and governance);
  2. Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (papers on biodiversity patterns, species distribution and function of all deep-sea ecosystems);
  3. Life-history traits and population connectivity (papers on reproductive ecology, larval development and dispersal, and population connectivity, including empirical and modelling efforts).

The timing for the special issue(s) is the following:

Letters of Intent Due                                                      Sep 20, 2015

Letters of Intent Reviewed                                          Sep 30, 2015

Deadline for submission of manuscripts              Dec 15, 2015

Deadline for reviews                                                     Jun 15, 2016

Volume out                                                                       October 2016

As of now, we are planning on publishing one special issue. Up to three issues (each corresponding to one of the three sub-themes) may be envisaged depending on the number of submissions.

The co-guest editors for the special issues are Marina R Cunha (UAVEIRO-CESAM), Ana Hilário (UAVEIRO-CESAM) and Ricardo Serrão Santos (UAÇORES-DOP). Marina Cunha will handle the submissions of manuscripts and letters of intent and can be reached at this address:

Marina Cunha
Departamento de Biologia & CESAM
Universidade de Aveiro
3810-193 Aveiro

Tel: +351-234-370-969


Marina R Cunha, Ana Hilário, and Ricardo Serrão Santos

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