The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS) invites applications for a full-time (1.00 FTE), 12-month, fixed term Research Associate (Post Doc) (RAPD) position. Reappointment is at the discretion of the Dean.
This Research Associate (Post Doc) (RAPD) will conduct post‐doctoral research in the study of the marine bio-geochemistry of the Oregon coastal upwelling region: apply aquatic eddy co-variance methodologies and sediment core incubations, develop sensors, collect samples and data, develop analyses and databases, and interpret results. The RAPD will prepare for, and participate in, coastal research cruises and write research papers; assist the Principal Investigator (PI) in overseeing laboratory activities including maintaining and utilizing equipment; mentor graduate and undergraduate students, and contribute to public outreach events highlighting the broader impacts of research.
The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences is an internationally recognized leader in the study of the Earth as an integrated system. It operates numerous state-of-the art laboratories and three oceanographic research vessels, the 177-foot ocean-going Oceanus, the 84-foot coastal research vessel Pacific Storm, and the 54-foot coastal research vessel Elakha. The College has an annual budget of more than $50 million, with support coming from the National Science Foundation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and other federal agencies. It has more than 100 faculty, 200 graduate students and 600 undergraduate students. Graduate programs include Master’s and PhD degrees in Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences; Geology; and Geography and a Master’s degree in Marine Resource Management. The college has undergraduate programs in Earth Sciences and Environmental Sciences, with several minors and certificate programs.
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