Survey – Due 8th August 2016:
Link: Deep-Sea Mining (ABNJ) Risk-Assessment Survey<https://duke.qualtrics.
Dear INDEEP Colleagues,
We need your help with a regional risk assessment for deep-sea mining in the Area Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ).
OVERVIEW: MIDAS is working in partnership with a Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI) effort to undertake a risk assessment for polymetallic nodules, cobalt crusts, and seafloor massive sulfides. The ecosystem-based survey approach assesses habitat vulnerability and is modeled after Halpern et al. (2007). This is a high-level scoping approach, with key objectives being to rank potential risk sources in terms of severity and consequences of impact and to rank habitat vulnerability. Like much of our work, it will also expose critical knowledge gaps.
YOUR EXPERTISE IS NEEDED: It is important that INDEEP colleagues who have expert knowledge of one or more deep-sea ecosystems contribute to this survey if at all possible. The survey framework itself is comprehensive, but no one participant is expected to tackle all risk sources and all habitats.
TIME INVESTMENT: A single mineral resource and habitat combination may take a little more than an hour to complete thoughtfully. We ask that those who have expertise in more than one resource/habitat combination invest in the extra time to complete two or more combinations; these can be submitted independently (i.e., open a new survey).
SIGNIFICANCE AND DELIVERABLES FROM THE SURVEY: This is an opportunity for science to inform policy, and your work will be acknowledged in any report or publication resulting from the survey. We expect to provide a preliminary report on the outcomes of the survey at the final MIDAS meeting and to ensure this report and its recommendations are delivered to the International Seabed Authority. These reports will be shared with all participants.
GRATITUDE: Solicitation of expert opinion is a best practice for risk assessment where there is a great deal of uncertainty or unknown and the assessment is high level (scoping). Your input will help us prioritize the vulnerability of habitats, identify risk sources deemed to have the greatest impact, and indicate where major knowledge gaps exist. We know we cannot do this work without you and will be very grateful for your time.
The MIDAS-GOBI Risk Assessment Survey Organizing Team[1]:
D Jones
J Durden
CL Van Dover
P Turner
A Smith
[1] The organizing team is grateful for consultation with colleagues D Billett, A Dale, R Boschen, M Clark, A Gooday, L Menot, G Paterson, HT Rapp, L Watling. We have responded to their comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the experience and of the results.