[From the INDEEP mailing list]
Dear Colleagues
Issue 10 of Deep-Sea Life is awaiting your research news, scientist profiles, meeting announcements etc.
Deadline for submission is 15th Nov 2017 in time for end Nov 2017 publication.
I would also like to remind you to please submit a photo for our “Photo of the Issue” competition as the winning entry will adorn the front page. This could be anything related to deep-sea life or people who study it.
Here is a reminder of the sections:
* Hot off the Press (new papers)
* Cruise News
* Project Focus (an on-going project or new venture)
* News
* Meetings and Worskhops
* It’s your opinion
* Scientist Profiles (not just students!)
* DeepMatch.com (for those looking for jobs)
* Opportunities (cruise berths, jobs, training opportunities, funding options)
* Wanted section – e.g. specimens, equipment, people etc.
* Obituaries
And a few reminders for submission:
Guideline ~250 words or ~500 words for longer pieces (so they fit nicely onto the page!)- we like short and punchy!
Font Calibri Body text size 12, Title size 16
Include relevent photos or graphs or photos of yourself etc.
Include any relevant web and/or email address for readers to contact you
Remember to submit text (with photo) for the scientist profile section – it may also help students to find a post-doc in future.
We have endeavoured to make the INDEEP and DOSI circulation list as far-reaching as possible but of course we will not have found everyone and so please do circulate this to your colleagues so they can both provide content for the new deep-sea newsletter, and also register interest for INDEEP and or DOSI should they wish to do so.
Once again, we hope to have representation in the newsletter from across the globe so please do contribute.
With kind regards,
Maria, Abi and Eva (DSL Editorial Team)
Dr Maria Baker
INDEEP Project Manager/DOSI Co-Lead
DEEPSEAS Group, Ocean and Earth Sciences,
University of Southampton, National Oceanography Centre,
Empress Dock, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK.
Email: mb11@noc.soton.ac.uk
Tel +44 (0)23 80596352
Fax +44 (0)23 80596247