We are pleased to announce that we have launched the DSBS pilot mentoring network. The need for this network was first established via a Google survey through the society membership. The respondents then participated in a ‘Mentinar’ with Susan Lozier from Duke University. Susan gave invaluable advice on setting up a mentoring network having already established such a network for women in Physical Oceanography (MPOWIR). Rachel would like to personally thank Susan for all of her advice so far.
Since then three mentoring groups have been established each with 2-3 mentors and 3-6 mentees. The groups have been set up according to time zones for easier facilitation of meetings. The groups will be meeting regularly and discussing a variety of topics including but not limited to: job applications, paper writing, proposal writing, networking and career progression. The topics of the meetings are driven by the mentees. If you would like more information or would like to be involved please contact mentoring@dsbsoc.org. There will be a short presentation and discussion related to the mentoring network at the Society’s AGM at the 15th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium in Monterey.