Call for applications: OBIS-INDEEP training workshop

International OBIS-INDEEP training & workshop
25-28 October 2016 – Belgium

Call for applications open until 21 June 2016

Venue: UNESCO-IOC Project Office for IODE, Oostende, Belgium

Dates: 25-28 October 2016

-Ward Appeltans (OBIS Project Manager)
-Maria Baker (INDEEP Project Manager/DOSI Co-Lead)
-Tim O’Hara (INDEEP WG Biodiversity and Biogeography)
-Tammy Horton (INDEEP WG Taxonomy and Evolution)
-Nick Higgs (INDEEP WG Taxonomy and Evolution)
-Leen Vandepitte (WoRMS data manager)

Meeting objectives:

The aim of this workshop is to connect the deep-sea biological community to OBIS, with the aim to establish a deep-sea OBIS node and develop a customised deep-sea OBIS data portal.

This is in response to the call from the OBIS Steering Group meeting (Feb 2015) to liaise with INDEEP and O’Hara et al (2015) to establish a global deep-sea biodiversity data-sharing platform.

Topics of the meeting:

  • Training deep-sea scientists in data management (OBIS standards and best practices)
 and data access and data processing using OBIS
  • Hands-on data curation and archeology (digitizing historical datasets and QA/QC of existing datasets in OBIS)
  • Design of a new OBIS deep-sea data and information portal (which products would be useful for making it policy-relevant?), connecting OBIS with other information systems (e.g. WoRDDS, Deep-sea species traits, deep-sea vocabs)
  • Sustainability (develop a work plan, share responsibilities and tasks, funding)

Funding for participation is available for a limited number of participants.

Applications should be received before 21 June 2016.

Shortlisted candidates will be informed before end of June. Applicants requiring travel support will be asked to submit a copy of their passport and an endorsement letter from the head of their institution.

References: O’Hara, T.; Tittensor, D.; Baker, M.; Stocks, K.; Appeltans, W. (2015). A global deep-sea biodiversity data-sharing platform. Deep-Sea Life 6: 12

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