Save the Date: DOSI/INDEEP at 14th Deep-sea Biology Symposium


Sunday Aug. 30 2015, the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) will hold an open information and planning meeting in Aveiro, Portugal (just prior to the Deep-Sea Biology Symposium – DSBS).  DOSI will meet as a whole from 9-12:30 PM and in working groups in the afternoon.  We will provide updates and status information about human activities, impacts, governance, regulation and conservation in the deep sea.  Buffet lunch will be provided.

DOSI seeks to integrate science, technology, policy, law and economics to advise on ecosystem-based management of resource use in the deep ocean and strategies to maintain the integrity of deep-ocean ecosystems within and beyond national jurisdiction.  Learn more at  We invite all who are interested to attend, and encourage new participants so please pass on to students and colleagues.

IMPORTANT! If you intend to come to the meeting, please fill in your name, affiliation and email address via this link (for catering purposes):

One night accommodation on Aug. 30 can be provided (for the first 20 people) upon request, to members from developing countries. Please make this request to

Support for this meeting is provided by the JM Kaplan Foundation and INDEEP (currently funded by Total Foundation).

Also, keep in mind DSBS theme 7: “Stewardship of our deep oceans (DOSI)” in case you wish to submit an abstract for this theme (currently scheduled for Thursday 3rd September) and our DOSI and INDEEP Open Town meetings, scheduled:

Thursday 3rd Sep:             DOSI Town Meeting (Lunchtime or after last session – TBD)
Friday 4th Sep:                  INDEEP Town Meeting (Lunchtime)

We look forward to seeing many of you there!

With kind regards,
Maria Baker, Lisa Levin, Kristina Gjerde & Elva Escobar (DOSI Leads)

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