My INCISE Symposium 2016 by Pauline Chauvet

This is the first international symposium for me. It is time to finally meet all the scientists whose papers I have read with attention since my undergrad. Arriving from from France on Sunday 24th, I nervously practice my talk programmed for the last day of conference. Everything started on Monday morning at the Grand Hotel. Fabio de Leo and Pere Puig are here, ready to welcome everyone. We will be a little more than 60. So a small symposium full of nice and brilliant people that want to share their knowledge… Seems that I am in the right place!
This first day is about Canyon processes in the space-time continuum (formation, evolution, circulation). The afternoon will be about new ways to study submarine canyons: integrated programs, new technologies and coordinated monitoring efforts follow by the poster session. The second day I arrive right on time to listen the opening of this session on ‘The Patterns in submarine canyons: role of scale and heterogeneity’. It brings out some questions for my case study, which is really good. The lunch allows us to enjoy the bright sunny days of Victoria. Then time to go back to serious things, we will hear talks about physical and anthropogenic disturbance in submarine canyons, conservation and marine policy. After the break came the working groups, I am taking part of the one about pattern in submarine canyons. We are looking to improve the amazing work of Fabio Matos who’s working on a tool, which explores the submarine canyons’ scientific landscape. The last day is for the special sessions, the 1st one is about sediment transport monitoring in submarine canyons. All the information that comes out of the talks are really interesting. I will be talking in the 2nd special session: ‘Interdisciplinary studies in Barkley Canyon.’ At the end, everything went very well. All the talks were excellent and the working groups lead to more questions than answers…. But isn’t science always like that?
This 3rd INCISE symposium was amazing, bringing me lot of information and contacts to know who could help me in dealing with some of my results.
I wanted to thanks the organizing committee for giving us such an amazing occasion to share our results and work and the Deep Sea Biology Society for the travel award, which helped me to get to Victoria.

Pauline Chauvet, PhD student at Laboratoire Environnement Profond, Ifremer, Brest, France

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