On Tuesday 13th October 2015, the Zoological Society of London will host a free public symposium discussing the value of conserving deep-sea habitats, ahead of the proposed EU ban on deep-sea trawling.
The evening will include talks from
- David Bailey, University of Glasgow on The effects of deep water fishing on fish assemblages
- Claire Armstrong, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, on Valuing cold-water corals
- Clive Trueman, University of Southampton on The value of deep-sea fishes as a carbon sink
- Matt Gianni, Co-founder, Political and Policy Advisor, Deep Sea Conservation Coalition, on The politics of protecting the deep-sea from the harmful impacts of fisheries: Are the EU’s Fisheries Ministries up to the task?
The discussion will be chaired by Chris Yesson and will begin at 6pm. More details can be found here (https://www.zsl.org/science/whats-on/the-conservation-value-of-european-deep-sea-habitats).
– Chris Yesson