Community Assembly in the Deep-Sea
We are seeking applicants for a postdoctoral position in ecology in the Department of Biology at the University of New Mexico (UNM). Support exists for a 1–2 year appointment with extension subject to successful progress. The candidate will work with Drs. Seth Newsome (UNM) and Craig McClain (Louisiana Marine Consortium) on a NSF-funded project that aims to identify interactions in energetic processes that regulate community structure in the deep-sea, using ROV/submersible-deployed wood falls in the Gulf of Mexico. Active involvement in planned or ongoing projects is expected, but the primary research activity of the successful candidate will be bulk tissue and compound-specific amino acid stable isotope analysis of deep-sea fauna at the UNM Center for Stable Isotopes.
The successful applicant is expected to conduct original research, write manuscripts for publication (~2/year), help advise/mentor graduate and undergraduate students, and assist with writing grant proposals. A Ph.D. in ecology, biology, oceanography, or a related discipline is required, along with lab skills and a strong publication record. Previous experience preparing and measuring biological samples for stable isotope analysis is highly desirable.
To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, and the names of three references to Dr. Seth Newsome (