
The DSBSoc Slack Team – created in 2018 at 15th DSBS – is a platform which fosters interactions and collaborations among members of the deep-sea biology community. A great way to keep up to date with all recent developments in our field and be in touch with your peers, exchange messages, announcement, files, news, etc…

Open to everyone! To join us, please email:

Note: The DSBSoc is slowly migrating to Discord, given the limitation of Slack:

With 16th DSBS in 2021, the Slack group reached a staggering 900+ members but a paywall hides messages >90 days, incl. useful links and exciting discussion sparks. This can be levelled with a Pro plan for $87/yr per active member. As a charity, the Society can get 85% discount, but for 904 members, that’s still $11,800/yr. The thing is, many logged off, and ca. 100 members are currently “Active”. Thus, the plan could be free, as long as we are <250 Active members, and 5 “Single-Channel Guests” are also free for every billable “Active” member. Thus, non-active members could be moved as “Single-Channel Guests” to keep using Slack, albeit only in the #general channel.

With the following channels, DSBSoc Slack mainly serves for announcements and not so much to share about the science:

  • #general (918 members):
    • This channel is for group discussions about deep sea biology and the symposium
  • #16th_dsbs_2021 (589 members):
    • DSBS hybrid conference in France
  • #16th_dsbs_science_chat (175 members)
  • #17th_dsbs_2025 (8 members):
    • Announcements about the 17th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium
  • #airport-connections (20 members)
  • #challenger150-ne-pacific (7 members):
    • This group is for members of the Challenger 150 NE Pacific Working Group to interact and share
  • #deep-sea-microbiology (8 members)
  • #diversity (479 members):
    • This channel is dedicated to share material, experiences, insights and ideas about DEIA in Environmental & Marine Sciences, and in particular in the Deep Sea
  • #dsbs-science-comms (52 members)
  • #dsbsoc_seminar_series (24 members)
  • #edsbs2020 (437 members):
    • Conference logistics and coordination
  • #education-outreach-arts (28 members):
    • Develop and collect material for deep-sea biology education, outreach and ocean literacy
  • #early-career (179 members)
  • #introductions (908 members)
  • #isdsc8 (64 members):
    • Channel for conversation related to ISDSC8 in Scotland at the end of May 2023.
  • #literature (747 members):
    • Channel for sharing journal articles and other literature resources
  • #mentoringnetwork (104 members):
  • Dedicated to the DSBSoc mentoring network
  • #opportunities (913 members):
    • Awards, fellowships, jobs, cruise invitations. See also:
  • #random (913 members):
    • A place for non-work-related flimflam, faffing, hodge-podge or jibber-jabber you’d prefer to keep out of more focused work-related channels
  • #students (85 members):
    • Student related announcements and future plans
