INCISE abstract submission extended to April 15

We are very excited with the abstracts submitted to the 2016 INCISE International Submarine Canyon Symposium so far, and are happy to announce that we have extended the deadline for abstract submission until April 15.

A few additional remarks:

(1) Although abstract submission has been extended we are closing the applications for the student travel grants as we have received a large number of requests already.

(2) We have posted on our website some additional information about hotel accommodations. The Marriott Victoria and the Chateau Victoria Hotel are offering promotional rates for symposium participants. Please refer to our website for more details.

(3) INCISE will offer the traditional conference dinner at the same venue of the symposium on Tuesday, July 26, at a cost of $50 CAD per person. The three-course dinner menu will include main course options with seafood, meat or a vegetarian option. Beverages will be provided. As symposium dates approach we will send registered participants an inquiry about your favorite choice for the main course dish. Additional information about how to pay for the conference dinner is found at the registration page:

(4) Please contact Pete Talling, Gwyn Lintern, Charlie Paul or Pere Puig if you are interested in attending the focused workshop on ‘collaborative research on sediment flow monitoring in canyons and other coastal habitats’ to take place at the Institute of Ocean Sciences, onThursday, July 28. More info in our preliminary program page:

(5) We ask that you please add your affiliation when registering to our website prior to abstract submission. We have had quite a few registered participants that forgot to include their affiliation. This helps us to keep track of all participants in our database. If you have already registered you can still add your affiliation.

Looking forward to see you in Victoria in July.
Our sincere regards,
The INCISE organizing committee


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